Tuesday, November 25, 2008


So, i have learned that my children will never cease to amaze me. Yesterday, my 7 month old started pulling up to standing. I feel like that shouldn't be happening already since it feels like just a week ago we brought her home from the hospital. She is incredibly proud of herself, too. I just love the silly grin she gets and then she screeches so that everyone (including the dogs) will look and appreciate what she just accomplished.

then, in the same day, my not quite 3 year old noticed the letters on a store that we visited. She informed me that they were large and purple, which they were. This was not astonishing to me, as she has been able to recognize letters and color for some time. What astounded me, was when she read them off "B-A-B-I That says Baby!" Okay, so i know it isn't perfect, but for a not quite 3 year old, color me highly impressed - with big purple letters!

Children truly are little sponges, and it is moments like that that make me thankful that i do actually put the time in with her to play, teach, guide, help her and learn FROM her.

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